It’s that time of year again when the weather dictates the course of our day and changes our best laid plans. When the snow gets deep or the ice gets slippery it may be necessary for us to cancel classes. If circumstances require that we do have to cancel classes keep an eye on your inbox. We’ll send out an email to all our students letting you know. Also check our facebook page for any weather related changes. If you still aren’t sure give us a call. With the threat of bad weather I forward the school phone to my cell. I’d be happy to talk to you and let you know whether we’re going to have class or not. If we do not cancel classes and you feel that it wouldn’t be safe to travel in bad weather, stay warm and safe at home.You can always make up any missed classes by attending an extra class next week

Hello Everyone, We’re excited to be able to return to teaching classes. There are going to be some changes that the state says we must